Lil' Math Whiz Program

Our Lil’ Math Whiz Program (for Pre-K+) Will Put Your Child On The Path To School Success – Right From The Start!

Did you know that early math skills are the #1 predictor of later academic success for your child – even surpassing early reading skills? And, counter-intuitively, early math skills are a “better indicator” of later reading skills than even early reading skills themselves! That’s how important early math skills are – and why you as a parent absolutely want to nurture the development of your child’s early math skills as soon as possible!
Early Math Skills
In “School Readiness and Later Achievement,” a widely cited 2007 meta-study of close to 36,000 preschoolers, University of California, Irvine, education professor Greg Duncan found that in a comparison of math, literacy, and social-emotional skills at kindergarten entry, “early math concepts, such as knowledge of numbers and ordinality, were the most powerful predictors of later learning.” A large-scale Canadian study from 2010 echoed those same findings: math skills at school entry predicted math skills and even reading skills in 3rd and 2nd grade, respectively, better than reading skills at school entry.

As a parent, the takeaway is clear: helping your child develop early math skills is vitally important to your child’s future school success!

That’s why we’re pleased to introduce our new math program, Lil’ Math Whiz, for Pre-K+ students, to help them get the brightest possible start at school.

Our Lil’ Math Whiz program will set your child up for a lifetime of math success!

Our Lil’ Math Whiz program is the most effective and powerful way to teach a young child the basics of mathematics.

How can we make such a claim with complete confidence? Because our program was authored by the same educators whose mathematical teaching method for young kids – covering JK to Grade 3 – was “proven”, when compared to 9 other competing “math teaching methods,” to be the most effective way to teach young kids mathematics, based on the results of the largest, independent education intervention study ever conducted in the US education system, involving 352,000 young kids, over 27 years!

See the program in action for yourself!

Our Lil’ Math Whiz program lays down a conceptual map of mathematics that’ll provide your child with a solid footing in math for the rest of his or her life. In other words, your child will be able to pick up on subsequent math concepts at an accelerated rate – and be years ahead of his or her peers, right from the start of schooling!

When other similar aged students in JK-Grade 1 are just mastering how to count to 20 and how to do extremely rudimentary math operations, your child, as he or she progresses through our Lil’ Math Whiz program, will gain mastery of the following:

  • how to count by 1 to 100.
  • how to count by 10s to 100.
  • how to do counting operations for the 4 main problem types – regular addition (7 + 1 = [ ] ), regular subtraction (7 – 3 = [ ]), algebra addition (5 + [ ] = 8), and algebra subtraction (9 – [ ] = 3).
  • how to solve word problems involving each problem type.
  • how to identify the values of coins and notes.
  • how to solve word problems involving coins and dollar amounts
  • how to represent 2-digit numbers in a way that shows the relationship between ones and tens. And, even solve word problems involving addition and subtraction with 2-digit numbers.
  • how to understand, interpret and write basic fractions

All of this is possible, thanks to the elegance of the design of the Lil’ Math Whiz program, which uses “small step” progression to put the kind of advanced math concepts outlined above within the grasp of even very young students (Pre-K+).

If your goal is to create the foundation for your child to grow into a Math Whiz, our Lil’ Math Whiz program will put your child on that path, and it will certainly put your child years ahead of their peers!

Give your child the ultimate academic advantage right from the start of schooling – enroll today in our Lil’ Math Whiz program!

Contact your local tutoring centre to find out more about our Lil’ Math Whiz program.

Give your child the ultimate academic advantage right from the start of schooling – enroll today in our Lil’ Math Whiz program!

Contact your local tutoring centre to find out more about our Lil’ Math Whiz program.

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